[출처] 영어회화 100일의 기적 대화 A : I think I'm on a tight budget today. B : You paid last time so it's my turn. A : If you insist, Why don't we split the bill? B : Sure, let's chip in about 5 dollars each. A : Okay, here you go. Can I have a doggy bag please? B : Excuse me. Would you call me designated drivers? 표현 o I think I'm on a tight budget today. 오늘 자금 사정이 빠듯한것 같아. Be on a tight budget. 예산이 빠듯하다. 돈..
[출처] 영어회화 100일의 기적 대화 A : Sorry for disturbing you on your day off. B : Please make it short. I can't talk long. A : I'm calling to ask you for your advice. You have a minute? B : It's a bad time. Actually, I have company now. A : OK, Please let me know if you can free up some time. B : How about if we meet in about an hour? 표현 o Sorry for disturbing you on your day off. 쉬는날에 귀찮게 해서 미안해요. On you..
[출처] 영어회화 100일의 기적 대화 A : She has a big mouth. She can't keep a secret. B : That's why you give her the cold shoulder, right? A : What would you do if you were in my shoes? B : Well, I haven't given it a lot of thought. A : Anyway, she's kind of a pain in the neck. B : I'm sorry to hear that. 표현 o She has a big mouth. She can't keep a secret. 그녀는 입이 너무 가벼워. 비밀을 안 지키거든. Big mouth. 말이 많다. 입이 가볍다. ..
[출처] 영어회화 100일의 기적 대화 A : I ran into my ex-girlfriend on the street yesterday. B : Wow! Don't tell me you chickened out. A : I almost sprained my ankle while stepping backwards. B : You should take your mind off her. A : Yeah, I think it's time to pull myself together. B : Don't worry. I think you can manage. 표현 o I ran into my ex-girlfriend on the street yesterday. 어제 길에서 전 여자친구를 마주쳣어. Run into..
[출처] 영어회화 100일의 기적 대화 A : How long does it take to reach the top. B : We're almost there. Just hang in there. A : I can't go any further. I'm feeling a little queasy. B : OK, Let's get some rest and catch our breath. A : Just a munite. I need to tie my shoes. B : You're breaking in your new shoes. 표현 o How long does it take to reach the top? 산 정상까지 얼마나 걸리나요? How long does it take to V? ~하는데 얼마나 ..