[출처] 영어회화 100일의 기적 대화 A : Is Jason off today? He's not answering the phone. B : He has gone for the day for a family emergency. A : Thank you for the information. B : I'm in charge of this project, so you can tell me. A : Sorry to bother you, but can you do me a favor? B : Sure thing. What do you need? 표현 o Is Jason off today? He's not answering the phone. 오늘 제이슨이 휴무인가요? 전화를 안 받네요. o He has gone..
[출처] 영어회화 100일의 기적 대화 A : How old do I look? B : Well, I thought you're in your mid-30s. A : Actually, I'm pushing 40. B : Really? You look young for you age. A : Thanks. I get that a lot. What are you up for. B : Anything. I'm not picky about food. 표현 o How old do I look?. 내 나이가 어떻게 보여요? o Well, I thought you're in your mid-30s. 흠. 난 당신이 30대 중반인것 같아요. o Actually, I'm pushing 40. 사실은 곧 40 이예요. o..
[출처] 영어회화 100일의 기적 대화 A : You'll naver guess what happened last night. B : What? She stood you up or whay? A : Exaxtly. Don't you thing she plays hard to get? B : I'm sure she really likes to play the field. A : According to rumors, She has feelings for you. B : Don't buy it. I have a lot on my mind. 표현 o You'll never guess what happened last night. 어제 밤에 무슨일이 있었는지 짐작도 못할거야. You'll never guess 의..
[출처] 영어회화 100일의 기적 대화 A : The iPad 5 is coming out next month. B : Wow! I have to wait in line from early morning. A : Since when did you get interested in the latest gadgets? B : I keep up with trends. I wasn't born yesterday. A : No offense, but you barely know how to use smart phones. B : Knock it off! You don't have to rub it in. 표현 o The iPad 5 is coming out next month. 아이패드5가 다음달에 출시 된데. C..
[출처] 영어회화 100일의 기적 대화 A : What's up. you looked exhausted. B : I've been hooked on video game s for the last few days. A : How old are you? You should act your age. B : Look who's things. Mind your own business. A : Don't lecture me. I'll kick your ass. B : OK, Let's just come to our senses soon. 표현 o What's up. You looked exhausted. 무슨 일있어? 너 좀 피곤해보여. o I've been hooked on video game s for the ..