[출처] 영어회화 100일의 기적 대화 A : I haven't seen you around for a while. B : I'm between jobs. So I've been lying low. A : Don't work too hard and take your time. B : It's like beating my head against the wall. A : I think you're kind of a late bloomer. B : Thanks, I am so flattered. 표현 o I haven't seen you around for a while. 요즘 얼굴보기 참 힘들구나. Haven't seen sb around. 요즘 ~를 보기 힘들다. o I'm between jobs. So ..
[출처] 영어회화 100일의 기적 대화 A : How about a little hire of the dog? B : Sorry, but I think I'll pass tonight. A : You promised to treat this time. You have a lot nerve. B : Something urgent came up suddenly. A : You're so cheap and unreliable. B : Sorry. I have a sore throat. Let's go out next week. 표현 o How about a little hire of the dog? 해장술 한잔 어때? Hire of the dog 해장술 이라는 표현입니다. 직역하면 개의 털 인데요. 개 한테 ..
[출처] 영어회화 100일의 기적 대화 A : You look worried. What's bothering you? B : I think I'm feeling a little left out at work. A : Don't be frustrated. Time heals all wounds. B : Will you back me up when I talk in the meeting? A : Don't worry. It's nothing. B : I can't thank you enough. 표현 o You look worried. What's bothering you? 너 걱정이 있어보여. 무슨 고민있어? What's bothering you? 무슨 고민 있어? 라는 의미 인데요, 직역하면 너를 괴롭히..
[출처] 영어회화 100일의 기적 대화 A : I'm really out of shape. I keep on gaining weight. B : Speaking of which, I've started working out at the gym. A : Really? Maybe I should go on a crash diet. B : Starving is not helpful. You should go by the book. A : Well, I don't know where to start. B : Play it safe, start by joining the gym. 표현 o I'm really out of shape. I keep on gaining weight. 몸매가 망가졌어. 체중도 계속 늘고..
[출처] 영어회화 100일의 기적 대화 A : Wake up, Sleephead! You sleep in every day. B : I tossed and turned all night. I couldn't sleep a wink. A : I'm wondering if you can make it on time for school. B : I'm in the middle of washing my hair already. A : You're the black sheep of our family. B : Come on. I just forgot to set the alarm. o Wake up, Sleephead! You sleep in every day. 일어나, 잠꾸러기야! 매일 늦잠 자네. o I to..