[출처] 영어회화 100일의 기적 대화 A : Our kids always fight over nothing. B : It's no big deal. never mind. A : I agree with you to some degree, but I am little sensitive. B : They have no trouble adjusting to school life? A : Yes, i guess so. B : I bet they'll grow up to be someone great. 표현 o Our kids always fight over nothing. 우리 애들이 매일 사소한 일로 싸워요. Fight over nothing. 사소한 일로 싸우다. They fight over nothing ..
[출처] 영어회화 100일의 기적 대화 A : I can't remember a thing about last night. B : Me neither. I'm in the mood for a bear tonight. A : Again? I'm suffering from a terrible hangover. B : Let's go get hangover soup before hitting the bear. A : Perfect. Let's get wasted tonight. B : I'll get the bill this time. 표현 o I can't remember a thing about last night. 어제 밤에 일이 하나도 기억이 안나. Can't remember a thing. 아무것도 ..
[출처] 영어회화 100일의 기적 대화 A : Honey, What do you thing of these sunglasses. B : You're going on a vacation or something? A : Give me a break. I was just trying them out. B : I'm gonna take our kids to the ice cream stand. A : Ok. Let's meet in the food court when I'm done. B : Suit yourself. Don't buy anything on impulse. 표현 o Honey, What do you thing of these sunglasses. 자기야, 이 썬글라스 어때? What do you..
[출처] 영어회화 100일의 기적 대화 A : You're all dressed up for the intetview today. B : You know what they say, "Clothes make the man". A : It looks like you got a new suit. B : I haven't bought a new one in six month. A : That's where you changed. You used to wear wash-and-wear. B : Just drop it. Let's wait and see how the result comes out. 표현 o You're all dressed up for the intetview today. 너 오늘 면젖 때문에 빼..
[출처] 영어회화 100일의 기적 대화 A : Why are you in a hurry? Just slow down. B : I can't wait to get married and live with you. A : Just because we go out doesn't mean we have to get married. B : I see what you mean. Take whatever time you need. A : Now you're talking. B : People say that we're a good match. 표현 o Why are you in a hurry? Just slow down. 왜 이렇게 서둘러요. 좀 천천히 하세요. Be in a hurry. 서두르다, 바쁘다. Sorry..