오늘 점심먹으러 에슐리에 갔다가 충동구매를 했네요.... 계산하면서 보게된, 쥬디 인형. 너무 귀여워서 가져오고 말았습니다. 요즘엔 식당에서.. 인형도 판매를 하는군요. 에슐리 몰. 이라는 이름으로.. 간단히 영화 얘기를 하면, 디즈니의 주토피아. 차별과 편견에, 도전하고 또 이걸 깨는 주인공 토끼, 주디의 이야기죠. 4살 아들과 보기에는 약간 무거운 내용이지만.. 저는 내용에, 아들은 귀여운 캐릭터에 빠져서 끝까지 재미있게 봤던 영화입니다. 중간에 추격씬에서는 아들이 무서워 해서, 손 꼭 잡고 본 기억이 나네요. 아무튼, 밥먹다가.. 갑자기 반가운 캐릭터 인형을 보니. 고민도 못하고 가져왔네요. 이것도 판매 전략인것 같습니다. 이렇게 집으로 온 주디 인형. 디즈니 라벨도 달려있습니다. 아들이 인형을 보..
[출처] 영어회화 100일의 기적 대화 A : Hey, I'm back. What did I miss? B : Guess what I just heard? Take a guess. A : What do you take me for? Give it to me straight. B : They got carried away and kissed each other. A : I knew it! They were drinking a lot. B : I think they're made for each other. 표현 o Hey, I'm back. What did I miss? 이봐, 나 왔어. 나 없을때 무슨 얘기 했어? What did I miss? 자리를 비운사이에 무슨 얘기 했어? 라고 물을 때 사용합니다..
[출처] 영어회화 100일의 기적 대화 A : I think it's too much for me to play golf. B : Once you get the hang of it, it's just a matter of time. A : Would it be possible to catch up with you in a year? B : I guess so. for starter, try to get used to it. A : All the practice will pay off in the near future. B : It's always easier said than done. 표현 o I think it's too much for me to play golf. 나한테는 골프가 너무 어려운것 같..
[출처] 영어회화 100일의 기적 대화 A : Congartulations! Your book is selling like hotcakes. B : Thanks. Please spread the word for me. A : Sure. You have a way to promote it to the public? B : Yes, I've been posting free lectures on my site. A : I'll put in a good word to my friends and acquaintances. B : Thanks a million. That means a lot to me. 표현 o Congartulations! Your book is selling like hotcakes. 축하해요..
[출처] 영어회화 100일의 기적 대화 A : I heard your wife was hospitalized last night. B : She was in a coma when she was taken to the ER. A : I hope she'll be released from the hospital soon. B : After the surgery, she is in stable condition now. A : What did the doctor said? is she all right? B : He said she should bring her cholesterol level down. 표현 o I heard your wife was hospitalized last night. 어제 밤에 당..