Day 62. It tastes funny
[출처] 영어회화 100일의 기적 대화 A : Dinner is ready. Come and get it. B : I'll skip my dinner. I lost my appetite. A : You shouldn't have snacked before a meal. B : Mom, I think this soup tastes funny. A : Ok, fine. Have it your way. B : May I be excused? 표현 o Dinner is ready. Come and get it. 저녁 준비됬어, 와서 밥 먹어. Come and get it. 아이들에게 사용하는 와서 밥 먹으라는 관용적인 표현입니다. o I'll skip my dinner. I lost my appetite. 저 ..
2019. 5. 12. 22:02